The Film Fan Returns

For better or worse, film has changed drastically since my last post to this blog. Star Wars stopped being fun, the horror genre continued being amazing, The Joker made me cry (a lot), Marvel kept making me shrug and say "it was alright, I guess," the Suspiria remake let me feel smart as I explained what was happening to my poor confused family, and audiences read the disturbing accounts of Harvey Weinstein's sexual abuse over the past several decades. Everyone was shocked until they stopped being shocked, and eventually Weinstein was allowed to return to doing whatever it is rich men who get away with sexually abusing women do in their free time.

Bumping into an ex is always uncomfortable, and writing this post feels strikingly similar. So, this is me avoiding eye contact and awkwardly shifting my weight from one foot to the other as I mumble my excuses. "I got lazy," "my measly UberEATS wages didn't cover the cost of how many movies I needed to see," "I was depressed," "I was too busy failing a world history class at a university I couldn't afford," "I got bored," "I wanted to pursue other creative endeavors," and "I'm not sure." Are we cool?

Now I'm back. I'm attending a college I can afford, I'm pursuing other creative endeavors (composing an album, writing a book, sulking in dark corners while I listen to Radiohead, avoiding eye contact at Walmart), I have a boring office job that provides enough money to go to the theater, and I even dyed my hair red.

From this point forth the blog will have a clear cut schedule. Every Saturday and Tuesday there will be a new post pertaining to film in some way. Occasionally I'll rant about a bad movie, and other times I'll ramble incoherently about a good movie. For the next few days there will be a burst of fresh content to make up for how long I've been away regardless of the day of the week, but regardless of my manic off-schedule posting you can always count on seeing a post every Saturday and every Tuesday.

It's good to be back, and I'll see you again soon.


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